We wrote this editorial in February 2023.
We are now at a level of intense planetary suffering.
After the massive loss events in the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, humanity entered a coordinate in which it is beginning to understand that the situation can only get more difficult.
It seems that some heavy blows are knocking at the door of the collective consciousness. Humanity is beginning to understand that it can be anywhere and it can happen to anyone.
If not earthquakes, it will be volcanoes or water, drought or cold.
If that is not enough to shake every consciousness, it will be the epidemics produced by human beings themselves to "cleanse the Earth of the weakest".
Meanwhile, the "modernities", as the Divine Hierarchy calls the scientific, ideological and technological currents, intended to lead humanity to permanent disconnection from the higher, from the Divine, continue their frantic course.
That condition which humanity's project keeps within itself, which makes it unique as a civilization in Creation, its direct connection with the Creator, with the Eternal Father, is being attempted to be erased from the matrix of the race in order to weaken it, without humanity realizing it. Attempts are being made to disconnect each person from the internal, cosmic and divine bond that unites it to the Source of Love and to the Purpose that the Creator has for each being and for each civilization.
Day after day, these currents develop more mechanisms to place humanity in a Machiavellian illusion from which people no longer know how to get out.
Those who realize it try to resist as much as they can, they ask psychologists and psychiatrists to help them understand how, until recently, they could enjoy a book, a walk, their children and their friends, and now they are linked all day long to social networks, which are becoming "their intellectual and internal nourishment".
They are becoming entities and some are realizing it.
But, how can we get out of this prison that generates so much dopamine? A substance that human beings themselves produce and that fills them with large amounts of immediate gratification, so as not to face the reality that we mentioned in the first paragraphs of this editorial.
In much of society, seeking God is dangerous, it is for people who do not have personal power, for weak people and in some cases, for people who are foolish, insecure and have nothing better to do.
Having true moments of peace, coming to perceive the truth of life and communing with Creation are experiences that definitely threaten this global consciousness that is trying to be established.
How do you, who are sharing these reflections, resolve that agony that a part of your being is feeling with these trials that humanity is going through?
For all those who do not want to be prisoners of these currents, is there any alternative, something that keeps them in the essence of the human being, that keeps them in the unique human project that the Creator intended for this race?
Yes, of course it exists. But each one of us must be willing to fight for our lives, for our evolution and for our true freedom.
The Creator and his Creation are always available to help us.