Peace, a Lost Expression, a Forgotten Experience

What does Peace represent for human beings of today? Are we sure we really remember what Peace means in its full expression?
01 Feb

Peace to all!

Peace, a Lost Expression, a Forgotten Experience

What does Peace represent for human beings of today? Are we sure we really remember what Peace means in its full expression?

For us, Peace is to be aware of the existence of God within us.

For others, it might mean not being far away from God. At least feel that we have not abandoned Him and that each time we move further away from Him we can still find the return path to His Presence. 

For others, Peace could mean to have that which you need for living, either materially or emotionally, that which we could call stability. 

For others, Peace could be expressed as a small moment between each battle and the next. 

And what about for humanity in general?

If a being from another planet could observe all of humanity through a screen, all its movements, its wars, attacks against nature, depredations, discussions and debates that lead to the establishment of governments and determine the leadership of peoples, in which new elements are experienced in the name of science, would they find Peace anywhere?

What does it mean to be a peacemaker in this time?

How does a peacemaker live? What do they do and what do they not do?

A peacemaker is a state of consciousness, something that is built from our inner fortitude when we divest ourselves from our most selfish interests.

Within the consciousness of a peacemaker, Peace is to be found in that which is invisible, in the simplicity of silence. It is an attribute chosen to safely go through the hostile territory of this world’s scenario.

A peacemaker is nourished from the Infinite Source of Universal Love. A peacemaker transforms each obstacle, each conflict and each strike into a new opportunity for the world to receive Mercy. 

Where are the peacemakers of the world today? There, where an action that neutralizes conflict is expressed, an action that transcends obstacles, that does not strike back; there, where Mercy can act. 

There lies a peacemaker. 

Those of us who consider themselves spiritual beings are supposed to take care of peacemakers in silence because the world and humankind are running out of them.

Eternal Father,
give me a meek heart,
the Light of Your Purpose
and bravery to be
a peacemaker.