In July, 2022, the Work we are part of entered Africa with a Humanitarian Mission, specifically, the Work entered Luanda, Angola.
We had been in Ethiopia and Ruanda in other years. These were missions of approximation of smaller groups of missionaries, for just a few days.
But the year of 2022, a group of 24 missionaries, religious and civilian missionaries, was able to work directly with a community of boys and girls rescued from all kinds of abandonment and suffering.
And we were placed there to help in whatever were necessary. We were in this community for a whole month, a community that takes cares of and raises 150 boys, girls and teenagers who come from all types of sufferings, such as wars, witchcraft and magic, some children who were dumped in trashes, some who were victims of abuse and abandonment.
From this experience we are going to establish a permanent humanitarian mission in this place, with the purpose that these children may be internally healed and may have a worthy opportunity of life and development.
Only Love can heal pain.
Only Love can give the possibility that an abused and mistreated, traumatized and discarded child may smile again, may play and sing again.
In our nations of origin we also have small “Africas” inside the great cities suburbs, in some children warehouses, which we cannot call orphanages, and in forgotten places where no one goes.
Why would a consciousness “invest” their life, so to speak in a mundane way (in spiritual language we would say “sacrifice”), and make themselves available to love, take care of and give of themselves so that another life, a discarded life, can smile, play and sing again?
What does internally motivate a consciousness who could have their own life, a family, personal development, even success maybe, to give all their effort to those who are discarded?
What do they feel? What do they think? What goes through their inner world?
Why does a consciousness feel indifference while observing an abused and mistreat child, traumatized and discarded, who is a victim of suffering, of wars, hunger, witchcraft and magic, a victim of being dumped in the trash, of trafficking, abuse, abandonment?
Why does a consciousness not feel motivated to take an action to assist in places where these things exist?
Why, being unable to help in this situation in person, does a consciousness not collaborate in some other way, spiritually or materially, so that others may help?
What do they feel? What do they think? What goes through their inner world?
We are not reflecting on those who consciously and deliberately promote and cause these sufferings, because the Law of Divine Justice will deal with them. We have no doubt about this.
But we, common people who live on the surface of the Earth, are supposed to reflect a little and ask ourselves some questions while there is still time. Because a time will come when there will be no more time, and we will not be able to say that no one told us or warned us about it.